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Welcome back! Here is examples of the skills that were aforementioned on my about me page. To hear more about each of these experiences, please reach out. I would love to speak more about what I've learned and worked on!
Any project materials that are relating to campaign development in regards to the Oklahome Route 66 Centennial can be viewed on the Campaign Creations page. This includes proposal decks, research analysis, and brand identity guidelines, as well as others!
All of the creations are downloadable for accessibility purposes. To download, click on the title of the example.

Route 66 Centennial Campaign: Research
Brand Development
A large part of the campaign that was created for the Route 66 Centennial Commission was research and analysis to expand awareness. This is a compilation of our research in a format that displays our strong agency brand identity.

Housing and Food Flyer
This flyer is one of many that I have designed as a part of the Housing and Food Marketing and Communications team. This specific flyer has been posted around all the dining centers in Cross Village as an informational and engaging product.

Brand Identity Guide
Brand Development
Another part of our job as a PR Agency was to create a brand identity guide that accurately reflected our goals and values while also remaining cohesive and professional. This is the guide that was created in order to showcase this vision. It includes both stylistic identity characteristics, as well as goals and brand mission.

News Release
This is an example of a News Release that was writing for a potential story for my Public Relations Writing course. This taught the essential skill of writing journalistically for the benefit of Public Relations.

Print-style Journalism Article:
Effects of COVID-19 on College Students
While studying in Gaylord, I was tasked with engaging in interviews and contacting students and staff in order to write a article about a topic of our choosing. This presents an example of my understanding and connection with writing and discussion.

Media Relations Campaign: Met Gala
Brand Development
In my Media Relations course, we designed a campaign that promoted our chosen event, the MET Gala held each Spring, by using various tactics such as social media, as well as a media package , which included newsletters, media pitches, and more!

Media Package
This media package is a compilation of media resources created for the Texas based non-profit, Bridgeswork. The organization hosted a fundraising event, for which the media package was created to enable media sources to gain more knowledge and connect with. This would be released to the public and sent to various news sources.

Social Media Marketing Campaign
Brand Development
This was a marketing campaign raised in regards to a local small retail business "Human Interaction." This campaign includes research conducted about the brands social media strategies, and overall marketing tactics that should be maintained or improved in order to increase the rate of engagement and sales.

Fact Sheet
An essential part of being a writer in the world of public relations is to understand the necessity of a media package. One of the many parts of a media package is a fact sheet, which emphasizes context to a potential media outlet that may not have been previously involved with the agency or brand. This provides a clear and concise document to enhance the connections between media and brand.

Media Literacy Research Essay
This essay was written after research on a popular multi-media product. I chose to research the music video for the song "The Man," by Taylor Swift. This paper discusses the intricacies of the video, and the importance of mulitmedia to the impact of a product, in this case, a song. It also discusses the connections to the artist's reputation and value on the media and industry.

Residential Flyer
This a simple, but effective flyer that I designed for OU Housing and Food Marketing and Communications. This sign upholds the University's brand identity by using the chosen font, as well as the designated colors and logos in a way that maintains the cohesive image of the University's brand. The flyer is posted in the dining areas of the Residential Colleges, Headington and Dunham.

Admissions Presentation Template
This is a mock-up of a template that would be used by the Admissions and Recruitment program at the University of Oklahoma. There are parts where the details are left to be added, as this was created as the template to be adapted rather than a finished presentation. However, it was developed and designed to enhance the existing University brand, while also including elements of all the unique parts of OU.

Business Card: Dutch Bros
One of the essential parts of being skilled in design in the world of public relations is to understand the importance of having a strong business card. This assignment encouraged us to design a business card for an existing business, maintaining their brand identity while we design. This one is for the beverage company, Dutch Bros.

Admissions and Recruitment Direct Mailer
This was designed to be one of two sides of a direct mailer sent to parents of potential students as well as counselors and teachers in direct contact with students who are pursuing an application.

Bevo Barbecue Promotional Flyer
This was one of many posters and flyers that I developed and design using digital design software (Canva) to execute a promotional product to attract students and staff to an event hosted by OU Housing and Food. This flyer uses all of the OU brand identity specifications, making it cohesive and engaging while also offering a unique interpretation on the brand's specifications.
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